Friday, January 15, 2010

There is no "Exit Plan"

Yesterday I was asked by a well-meaning family member if we had an "exit plan" in place for the vineyard business. I was taken aback. Exit Plan? I am pushing for time to plan for success let alone failure! What ever happened to failure not being an option and crossing bridges when we come to them? I am convinced "exit plans" and "exit strategies" are just another way for business and marketing plans to look thick and impressive.  I can handle a basic SWOT plan - it is certainly wise to know your threats and weaknesses - but to plan what we would do if our venture fails is a complete waste of time.

I asked Jamie what he thought his "exit plan" would be and, after due consideration, he suggested "to become a cult leader with hundreds of young nubile wives and die in a raging sex scandal".

 I think that is about as useful as anything else.

The plumber just didn't show up today, so we will be moving in to a shed with no kitchen tomorrow.


  1. Doesn't the saying go that you can't choose your relatives? You could also choose to be deaf with comments like that or get a canon. Can understand how you would have felt. Melissa

  2. Good luck with it all, you have soo many challenges in front of you I won't name them and spoil your fun ...

    All the best from a fellow boutique-ee
